Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An example of good

I think we are all blessed to have good people in our lives, at least I hope we are.
My search has brought that knowledge full force.
While I may not yet have the answers that I seek, I do get surrounded by good.
During my trip I was also exposed to what felt like pure hate from someone who I thought would always be on my side. I wasn't able to allow it to bring me down though, because the hate was unable to break the barrier of those who are good.
And they don't "have" to be good.
They're not being decent people just because they think someone is watching or taking note.
No. They are good people just because they can be.
If you have not tried being just plain good, give it a shot. It is rather contagious and being good to others just feels, well, good!
I spent my day today on the computer for 5 plus hours so far. I'll take a break to talk about Shannon's day and then get back to it.
I was tracking a couple of people down, leads we hoped and found one of the two deceased.
I'm tired of finding dead people.
I sent emails to a ton of magazines. National publications as well as local in Ohio and Vegas.
Newspapers, news stations........the list goes on.
It was begining to feel like a good time fora  break when I checked my email one more time.
I got a notice that I had been tagged in a friends notes.
A friend.
He's a wonderful man with so much character. He was raised in Las Vegas and now works on Fremont.
He's one cool dude :0)
I have copied his poem below.
It's perfect, I love it, I am blessed to know John and honored to have his poem to share with you.

They get together.  She feels guilty.  No abortion.  Adoption.
Closed adoption.  "I’ve made a mistake."  Peace of mind.
Protection of child.  Live well.  Forget about me.

How could I forget about you?  
Is my hand not attached to my arm?
Is my foot not connected to my leg?
We are one, you and I.
I am NOT a mistake.

The waking from the dream of error.
Peace, indeed, is looking for you.
Are you ready to be found?
Daddy.  I know WHAT you are.
I’m just having a bit of trouble with the WHO.
Could you help me?

I can understand your fear.
I can nod my head at your forgetfulness.
I haven’t forgotten, though.
I am not afraid.
Share my faith, if yours is weak.
Receive my love if you feel lacking.
We are one.
Giving and receiving is the same.
~ John A. P.

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