Monday, December 19, 2011

Damaged Goods

What do you do with damaged goods?
If you find that it is just the packaging that is damaged, do you open it up and check inside?
What if what is inside is damaged as well, but you can't tell until you have had it for a while?
Would you try to return it?
Would you keep it but just no longer show any interest in it?
Would you toss it out?
Does it matter how much you paid for it?
If you've had it for some time, do you decide to keep it for some sort of sentimental value?

Damaged Goods.
How do you really know what is damaged anyway?
There are the obvious signs I suppose.
What may seem damaged to one person might seem ok to another, especially if it was on sale, or they got a special damaged goods discount.

I "knew" I was damaged from the get go.
Added the thought that I was damaged because of my twisted ankle at birth. 
That showed that I was damaged on the outside. A cast was used to try and repair that damage.

At what point would people see the damage on the inside.
Or did they already know?
Did they get me on discount?

I don't suppose any of it matters.
Somehow, when I looked down at my wedding ring tonight and saw that one of the little diamonds had fallen out, the above is what rang in my mind.

Why  must it always run full circle to damaged goods, or in my life the equal of being adopted.

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