Friday, June 10, 2011

Does he know????

I get asked that question a lot of times.
It doesn't bother me as much as the other one:
Did she know him?
Bother probably isn't a good word either, actually it really pisses me off when people ask that.
Yes, she knew him.
Can I verify that by asking her?
No, she's dead. She's been dead since I was 13 months old, or did I already tell you that?
Why do I think she knew him, how can I be sure?
I can't be sure with facts, I can however be sure with my gut.
She said where he was born, she stated his age as well as heritage, she knew he had been divorced, or he claimed to have been. His height, weight, coloring. Those can all come with a no name fling. The other stuff, not so much.
Lets face it, asking me if she even knew his name is the same as calling her a whore, and that doesn't fly so well with me.
I think people ask because they don't understand why I don't have his name or why I have not found him. Shouldn't he be looking for me?
I don't have his name because I am not granted the rights to his name. The courts claim to be protecting my birth parents. From what? Evil me?
He may or may not have known she was pregnant when she left. I have to guess that he knew at some point since I have not been able to find a legal notice revoking his rights as a birth parent. To me that would mean that either the laws were not followed, or he was told directly by mail and signed away his rights. 
Hope to find out the answer to that when I find him.

Is he alive?
Is he well adjusted or living on the street?
What state, what city does he live in now?
I have no idea.
Tell me to step down from my search, please go ahead!

How much longer will I search?
Great question.
Until I find him.

My birth father was an Italian American who was born in Boston around 1942 give or take a few years. 
He worked as a Keno Writer in Las Vegas at the very least in the fall of 1971.
He stood around 6 foot 2 and was around 190 pounds.
Dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin.
He said he had been divorced and was Catholic.
These are the things that Dottye thought she knew.
I hope to find out if they were all true.

See photos of Dottye as well as a tribute video by clicking here

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