Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back in Las Vegas

Please excuse my typos as I am typing on an iPad.
We are in Las Vegas. fox 5 had said to call them as soon as I landed which I did. The response was "well we won't be able to meet with you tonight, how long are you here for?" I told here we are here until Sunday morning to which she replied with a lack of enthusiasm " well hopefully we can organize a time to meet with you while you are here."
Hopefully? I even told her that I did not need to attend the show we have tickets for, that meeting with Fox 5 took precedence.
I'll call each day and continue to hope.
On the flight here I over heard a man saying he owned a bar that locals go to. I asked him if he got many old timers and he said one day a week they did. I gave him my cards and told him a bit of my story, his wife is also adopted.
His wife's parents are int their 80's and worked in casinos back when Dottye was here to they are going to call them as well as some other old timers that they know.
finally, he has a juke box which he can load a photo into. He is taking the card and loading the modeling photo of Dottye into the juke box.
Amazing to me still how some strangers continue to show kindness just because they stll have the goodness in them to do so.
For tonight I am off to try and have a good time, and to hopefully see some signs that don't say hey lady, give up.
If any of you want to help please feel free to do a google search for Las Vegas Fox 5 news. Look for the contact and call them or send an email telling them how important you think that this trip is for me.

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